The difference is the number of computer opponents is infinite.
Survival mode follows the same concepts of Tag Team.
Items are available in-game to give players added abilities. Two players ride horses and race to the finish line.
Steeple Chase resembles a traditional arcade style racing game.
Tower: The objective of this game mode is to knock out more enemies than the opponent.
Tag Team gives each player three characters as a team, while Elimination gives players one character each. This mode pits two players against each other in a traditional fighting game (which the very first Dynasty Warriors is). Players can select teams of three characters different from each other.
Versus mode” A feature from Dynasty Warriors 4 and the original Samurai Warriors, Versus Mode pits two players against each other in four separate modes.
Treasure Hunt Side Quest” In addition to normal game objectives and missions on each map, hidden Treasures are placed on each map.
New Weapon Upgrades and Fusions is a feature introduced in the first Warriors Orochi, upgrading and modifying weapons has been given a new twist by fulfilling the requirement for a much better skill imbued on a weapon.
In addition to the Story, Free and Gallery Modes from the first game, there are other new modes of gameplay: New features exclusive to the PSP system also include: 2-Player VS mode plus Co-op play in Story, Free and Dream modes, 12 new scenarios in Dream mode, and a Japanese and English voice option. New playable characters not found in the original console release include the graceful San Zang and the warrior-monk Benkei. A star-studded lineup boasts 96 playable characters from the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors series including the massive boar-like Gyuki and the faceless Dodomeki.